Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm a Big Girl

Look who is sitting in her highchair?? Yes that would be 5 month old Sydney. Here she is just getting ready for the food.
Here she is, really ready for her food:) She is a good eater.

Here is our 5 month old sitting up with some help.
July 26th, 5 months old
Just some other fun pictures
Wearing her Twins gear that she got from Uncle Derek and Auntie Melanie. We had it on to watch the last game against the A's and hoped the Twins would win, we didn't get our wish.

Jumpin Sydney

Here is Sydney in her Jumper, she really likes it! Enjoy

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sydney's First Video on the Blog

Here is a video of Syd rolling over and talking a little. We hope you enjoy and I am still learning how to use the video camera and edit:)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Squash, Visit from Dallas and Sippy Cups!

Look at our Smiley girl!Here she is getting squash for the first time, she wasn't too sure what to think of it, but after a few tastes she wanted more. As you can see she likes to leave a little on her mouth for later:)

Dad and Sydney - oh so cute.
I know the picture is a little dark but I had to put it up on the site, it is too cute.
Playing with dad and a sippy cup, she likes it since it has handles and she even got it in her mouth a few times.
Dallas was able to come and visit this past weekend and got to finally meet Sydney. She likes playing with Dallas!
Playing with her favorite blanket, you can't see them but this blanket has tags all around it, she loves them!
Since she has a little more hair on top I tried to spike it up, you can kinda see it, soon there will be enough for a pretty barrett:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sydney's new Toys and new face;)

Ok here she is eating and making her new face, it is so cute, she scrunches up her nose and she doesn't always do it eating, she will do it all day:)Here she is in her exersaucer, she really likes all the toys on there!

And here she is in her Jumper, she hasn't figured out how to jump yet, but she loves the fact that she is able to look all around!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Pictures

Well Sydney is getting so big and just loves to smile, as you can see from the pictures below! She is really enjoying her baby cereal and might be ready to start some veggies:) We are having so much fun with Sydney, she loves to play in her bumbo chair, her exersaucer and loves to play on the floor and grab her toes:) Big smiles

All dressed and ready to go to the picnic!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!! We hope everyone had a great day. Sydney has a very special shirt on, it says "Baby's First Fourth" how cute!
Mommy and Sydney!

Sydney loves to grab her feet and toes when she is playing on her back, it is so cute!

Sydney eating baby cereal for the 1st time

On Tuesday, after her 4 month check up on Monday, we fed her baby cereal for the first time, it was very funny. We did take video of it as well but we are still working on getting that uploaded and in a format that we can but on the blog.

She didn't know what to think right away, as you can see in the second picture she stuck her tongue out a lot but in the end she wanted it, as soon as we would take the spoon away she would look at us like "give me some more" it was pretty cute!

Here is the first picture of her tasting the cereal and the picture below is of her sticking her tongue out, too funny.
Now really liking it and watching the spoon until it would go into her mouth:)
At her 4 month check up, she weighed 16.1 pounds and was 26 inches long and everything looks great. The doctor was happy to hear that she had rolled over from her back to tummy (just did that the morning of her appointment) and from tummy to back! We go back to the doctor in early September for her 6 month check up. Wow I can't believe she is 4 months old!