Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

September Fun

September has been a busy month for us. After we got back from MN Syd started preschool, she goes two days a week for a couple hours at a time. Here she is with her new backpack and with her sister on her first day. She is doing great, not always wanting to go, she wants Mommy to stay too, but she loves it once she is there and talks about her friends and teachers the rest of the day.
Al and the girls on Packer Sunday!!
Gilly turned 7 months on the 19th, wow where did the time go! She now has 4 teeth, well the top two are through the gums but not all the way out yet, it is pretty cute. She is an eater, as you can see from her legs:) She is really into big people food, if we are eating something you better be sure that she wants to try it:) She is a very happy baby and just loves her big sister.
When I picked Syd up last week from school she was telling me how much she missed me etc., then she got in the car and looked at Gilly and said "I really missed you too baby and I really love you" wow that just made me smile, how cute!
Just this past Saturday we went to a Pumpkin Patch/Petting Zoo the pumpkins were not orange yet so no pictures of those. Syd loved, loved the animals, it was so cute. She had to feed them, and wanted to keep feeding them and then she got to ride the miniature horse, Boogle, and she loved it. We also let Gilly sit on Boogle and she just wanted to try to get his hair, it was cute. We also were able to climb on some hay bails and Al and Syd did the hay bail pyramid, it was great. We can't wait to go back to actually get some pumpkins:)

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